Wednesday 14 October 2020


 Water Supply Scheme

           Next to Air, the other important requirement for human life to exist is water. Water is Available in Various forms such as rivers, lake, stream etc. The earliest civilization organized on the bank of major rivers system and required water for drinking, bathing, cooking etc. But with the advancement of civilization the utility of water enormously increased and now such a stage has come that without well organized public water supply scheme, it is impossible to run the present civic life and development the town. The importance of water from quality come to be recognised gradually in the later days.

Water supply scheme:- 

           It is defined as to provide the water for the present population in required quantity and quality.

Necessity of Water Supply Scheme:- 

           The following are the necessity of water supply schemes are as follows
  • For drinking and cooking
  • For bathing and Washing
  • For watering lawns and gardens 
  • For heating and air conditioning system
  • For growing crops 
  • For street washing
  • For fire fighting
  • For recreation in swimming pools, fountains etc
  • For stem power and various industrial process, etc and so on.......

Advantages of water supply scheme:- 1. Drinking:-  

            The good quality of water required for drinking purpose human body contains 70% of water 5-7 liters water required for a person per day for normal conditions.

2. Cooking:-

            Some quantity of water is required for cooking about 5-6 liters/day . It depend on standard society.

3. Household sanitary purpose:-

           For this water required for washing floors, cloth etc about 50-60 liters/day required.

Population forecast :-

           The method of estimating the population for the required period is known as population forecasting.
(For more details refer IS code)

Selection sources of water supply scheme:-

The selection of the source of water-supply to a town or city depends on the following factors.

1. Location of water source :-

            The source should be near to the town or city as possible. If the surface source like river, stream or reservoir is not the vicinity of the area then underground source of water is the only alternative.

2. Quantity of water :- 

           The source of the water should have ample amount of water to meet up all the demand of the city as domestic industrial. Fire resistance, public etc. It should also be able to meet the maximum demand in dry weather.

3. Quality of water :-

           The quality of water Should be such as which can be easily and cheaply treated. Therefore, as far as possible, the water of the source should be wholesome, safe and quite free from pollution.

4. Intake point :- 

           The point should be higher than that off the supply zone so that the water can flow by gravity. Otherwise, pumping unit required for the conveyance of water from the intake point to the treatment plant which will increase the cost of the water supply scheme.

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Thursday 1 October 2020

Planning Of Building

 Residential Building 

            Requirements for residential accommodation are different different classes of people and depends on the income and status of the individual, a highly rich family will require a luxurious building, while a poor man be satisfied with a single room house for even the poor class family. No hard and fast rule can be fixed for the design of building but for general guidance the following information may be helpful.
           For residential Building the livable area(Carpet Area) should be 50% to 65% of the plinth area with a target of 65%. The circulation Area should be minimum possible depending on the climatic condition of the region.
           A standard residential Building of bungalows type will have Drawing room, Dining room, Bed room, Office room, Guest room, kitchen, store, Pantry, Dressing room, Bath room, and W.Cs. front and rear Verandah,Stairs Etc. For other House the number of rooms may be reduced according to the requirements and money Available.


Drawing room :-  

           Drawing room should be well lighted and ventilated and located in the heart of the building in the front having access from the all main rooms. For orthodox families observing purda, the drawing room may be placed in the front, having a verandah in the front and a lobby or dining room in the rear. Drawing room serves as recreation room, a study room, entertaining room for guests and visitors and a congregation room on special occasions of marriage, religious functions, etc. Floor of the drawing room should be mosaic and walls should be colour washed.

Dining Room :-

           This room should be located close to the drawing room by it's side or in the rear, and should be near to the pantry. This should be provided with a cup-board, and a wash hand basin should be fixed in one corner or side. In some cases for economy no separate dining room is prescribed with fly proof doors and windows. Floor and wall finish should be of the same type as for drawing room.
           The common walls in between the drawing room and dining room may be designed in such a way that both the rooms may be converted into hall on special occasions.

Bed room :-

           Bed room should be located on the sides of the building with at least one wall exposed to the outer space for ventilation and light. They should be placed on the sides of the prevailing wind with sufficient windows and ventilators having sun shades to protect against sun and rain. An ideal bed room receives sun's rays in the morning and free breeze in the night. If possible the bed rooms may be provided with small verandahs on the sides, so that each family member may sit in the verandah adjoining the bed room wherever they like . Bed room should be provided with attached bathroom and W.C. Ordinailly, one-third of one's time is spent at rest and sleep, the bed rooms should, therefore, be given special attention. Floor and walls should be treated with colour scheme pleasing and soothing to the eyes. In small houses due to Economic condition no separate drawing and dining room are provided, the bed rooms are used for sitting, drawing, reception, etc., Through this is not desirable.

Office Room :-

           This should be placed on the side of the front verandah, disconnected from other rooms. This is required for one's professional work or this may be used as spare room or study room.

Guest Room:-

           This room similar to office Room should be placed on the side of the front verandah, disconnected from other rooms and should have separate bath and W.C. attached to it. Office Room may be omitted if required, and the guest room may also serve as office room, as a guest may come and stay only on rare occasions. Relatives are generally accommodated inside the building as own family members.
           As far as possible each room should have direct entrance and exit from verandah or lobby.

Kitchen :- 

           Kitchen room should be placed in the rear of building in one corner opposite the direction of the prevailing wind so that smoke may not enter into other rooms of the building. It is better to have kitchen in a separate wing or block or disconnected with a lobby or verandah. Kitchen should be well ventilated and provided with shelves, fly proof doors and windows, and chimney for smoke to escape. Kitchen should also be provided with skin for washing.

Store room :- 

           This should be situated near the kitchen and meant for storing commodities as grain, flour, Dal and should be damp proof and rat proof.

Pantry :-

            This is small room and should be adjoining the dining room. This is meant for keeping cooked food, butter, jam, chutnies, etc. This should be provided with shelves, cup boards and a hot box may also be provided to keep cooked food.

Bath and W .C :-

           Bath and W.C. are usually combined in one room and attached to the bed rooms and should be well ventilated. This should be fitted with bath tub, shower, wash-hand basin, W.C., shelves, towel, racks , brackets , etc., all white glazed types. Floor should be mosaic and dado should be mosaic or white glazed tiles. 

Dressing room :-

           This should be adjacent to bath and W.C. and connected to bed rooms and should be furnished with dressing table, mirrors, brackets, etc. Dressing room is a luxury and provided only in high class building.

Verandah :- 

           There should be verandahs in the front as well as in the rear , and the  width of verandah should be 1.8m to 3.0m (6' to 10'). The front verandah servers as Sitting place for male members and waiting place for visitors. The back verandah servers as ladies appartments for their sitting , working , controlling kitchen work, etc. Verandah protect the rooms against direct sun , rain and weather effect. In a small houses the verandah may be 1.8m(6 feet) in width. The area of verandah of a building may very for 10% to 20% of the whole area of the building.

Stair Case :- 

           This should be located in a place easily accessible to all members of the family when this is intended for visitors , it should be in the front , may be on one side verandah , or placed in the rear. The staircase should be well ventilated and lighted. The minimum width of staircase should be 0.9 m (3 feet) clear of railing and may range upto 1.5m (5 feet). There should be a clear head-way of 2.1 m (7 feet) above each step and landing. The staircase should be construed in two flights having a landing in the middle to make it easy and comfortable to climb. Risers and traders should be uniform throughout to keep rythm while climbing or discerning.
           The relation between rise(R) and Tread(T) are given below :-

              R= 66/T , 


                          R = 18 -- T , 


                       R = ½ (24 -- T)

             Usually 15cm (6") rise and 25 cm (10") tread to 18 cm (7") rise and 28 cm (11") tread are provided. In ordinary building a maximum rise of 20 cm (8") and a minimum tread of 25 cm (10") may be provided.

For details about types Of Loads On Rcc structures click below link


Types of load 


 Water Supply Scheme            Next to Air, the other important requirement for human life to exist is water. Water is Available in Various...